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Supplementing Bio-identical Progesterone while on Prednisone

Supplementing Bio-identical Progesterone while on Prednisone

I got a prednisone warrior asking about supplementing bio-identical progesterone while on prednisone.

Hey Megan! I was wondering if you knew about supplementing bio-identical progesterone while on prednisone. I’ve heard so much that progesterone is like the “anti-cortisol” so I was hoping that it would prevent the long-term side effects.

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Supplementing Bio-identical Progesterone while on Prednisone

Transcription autogenerated from the video above so some errors are possible.

I went to PubMed, the National Library of Medicine, and typed in progesterone and prednisone. It looks like the only thing that’s showing up is about miscarriage. Because the combination is theoretically good for people who get miscarriage from an autoimmune issue or from having too low progesterone. That’s the only thing I’ve heard of. 

I’m wondering if you actually meant another one, Pregnenolone instead. That’s another precursor to progesterone and cortisol. But I have not heard that. That is helpful in general though. Bioidentical progesterone is fantastic for other things, such as issues with heavy bleeding. 

Menstrual bleeding for women who have menopausal issues with hot flashes or issues with sleeping. 

It’s a fantastic product. I personally take it for one of those issues. Bioidentical progesterone is great. I just haven’t heard it as something to prevent long-term side effects. I hope this helps. Again, this is based on the very limited information you just shared with me and it’s not medical advice. You need to definitely seek the help of a doctor.

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Dr. Megan Milne, PharmD, BCACP

Dr. Megan Milne, PharmD, BCACP, is an award-winning clinical pharmacist board certified in the types of conditions people take prednisone for. Dr. Megan had to take prednisone herself for an autoimmune condition so understands what it feels like to suffer prednisone side effects and made it her mission to counteract them as the Prednisone Pharmacist.

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