The miracle turns into misery
Miracle drug depletes nutrients
Dr. Megan is a third-generation pharmacist who experienced a mysterious rash and nearly bled to death, starting a roller coaster medical journey. One day she was a normal, healthy young mother of four children, and the next she was forced to take a lifesaving drug, prednisone. The drug stole vital nutrients like calcium from her body. The miracle drug made her feel miserable.

A pharmacist who would rather not take prescription drugs
The harm of prescription medications
Even though she is a pharmacist, Dr. Megan would rather not take prescription drugs. Why? Because she knows too much about what drugs do to the body. Her doctor gave her the option of taking a super high dose for only a few days, or a similar drug at a lower dose for weeks to months. Since Dr. Megan believes in taking the lowest effective dose for the shortest time possible, she chose the super high, shorter course of medication.
Prednisone Pharmacist
Unfortunately, she still had to continue taking a drug, prednisone, for an extended period to treat her diagnosis, a bleeding disorder of platelets called ITP. While the drug would help for a while, each time her doctor tried to lower the dose, her platelets would crash, starting the vicious cycle of high doses. Previously a healthy, emotionally stable person, she suffered from EVERY Prednisone Side Effect listed below:

- Insomnia
- Emotional roller coasters ranging from euphoria, irritability, to “’Roid Rage”
- An insatiable appetite with cravings for salt and every food in sight causing high blood sugar, weight gain, fat redistribution to belly, and “moon face”
- Water retention
- Bone loss
- Muscle loss
- Heart palpitations
- Swelling skin
- Bruises that don’t hurt
- Blurry vision
- Hot flashes with sweating and red flushed cheeks
- Weakened immune system
- High white blood cells
- Difficulty healing wounds
Staying Well
Knowing that non-prescription, natural ways to deal with the consequences from prednisone would help the most, she diligently:
- Changed her diet, added more vegetables and cut out sugar
- Drank more water
- Increased her exercise
- Changed her night routine to improve sleep
- Focused on taking care of herself so she could heal
Between doctor visits, weekly blood draws, and all these healthy habits, it felt like a full-time job taking care of her health.
But something was missing...
Dr. Megan searched everywhere for a product or supplement that would help her where she knew she needed help, in the ways prednisone was stealing nutrients like calcium from her body. Websites listed conflicting information and no product existed to help someone like her taking prednisone. Terrified that the latest untested exotic herbal product would worsen her disease and potentially cause her to bleed to death, Dr. Megan shunned all products that didn’t have a proven safety record.
As she lay in bed trying in vain to take a nap, exhausted but unable to fall asleep because of prednisone and chemotherapy, Dr. Megan had a sudden epiphany:
People taking prescription drugs need a supplement designed specifically to give back the nutrients depleted by the drug.
Thus, Nutranize® was born.
Meet Dr. Megan
Our Founder
Dr. Megan pursued this mission with passion, finding high-quality information to create supplements intended to replenish the nutrients depleted by prescription drugs.
Watch the video below to hear, first hand, Dr. Megan’s story.

Dr. Megan’s Background and Mission
Dr. Megan Jolley Milne, PharmD, BCACP, earned her Doctor of Pharmacy degree at a Top Ten pharmacy school, the University of Utah College of Pharmacy, following in her father and grandfather’s footsteps.
Certification as a Board Certified Ambulatory Care Pharmacist gave Dr. Megan more tools in her arsenal to improve lives through proper use of medications.

Millions Saved
While launching a new program at a Fortune 200 healthcare company, Dr. Megan was invited to fly to corporate headquarters and secured millions of dollars in funding to hire dozens of pharmacists to help thousands of patients solve medication problems and saved Medicare taxpayers millions of dollars.
Since becoming the Prednisone Pharmacist, Dr. Megan has helped more than 30,000 people on prednisone counteract side effects. Over a half a million views on her YouTube channel plus over a million Google search results per month point people to Dr. Megan as the expert on prednisone side effects.

Innovative Pharmacist Award
Always looking for new ways to solve old problems, Dr. Megan was given the Innovative Pharmacist of the Year award for her efforts to help people feel better.

Dr. Megan, Public Speaker
Dr. Megan enjoys speaking professionally and has been invited to speak across the country throughout her career. Dr. Megan has the heart of a teacher, having been offered faculty teaching positions at both a medical school and a pharmacy school.
She’s an expert about prednisone, autoimmune condition support, dietary supplements, nutrition, navigating the healthcare system, and nontraditional pharmacy career pathways.
Dr. Megan has been on many YouTube videos and podcasts, delivered continuing education presentations for pharmacists at professional association meetings, provided advocacy at political and nonprofit organizations, and speaks at religious gatherings. Event organizers have paid for her travel around the United States for public speaking events. She can deliver to a live audience over Zoom, webinars, or to select physical stages. Learn more about booking Dr. Megan for your next event here.
Dr. Megan has been interviewed as an expert for newspaper articles and served as an expert witness in legal cases.

Dr. Megan’s Publications
Dr. Megan’s work is featured in two books.
- Dr. Megan wrote a book chapter in Pharmfluencers by Dr. Kimber Boothe.
- Dr. Megan’s side effect cartoon image, seen at the top of this page, is published in the book Change of Heart by Kristy Sidlar.
- Dr. Megan authored a scientific article in a peer-reviewed journal.

How it feels to be a patient
Throughout her healthcare journey as a pharmacist and patient, Dr. Megan has learned not just what a textbook says about a drug, but how it really feels when taking it. She has dedicated her career to striving to help people like herself find ways to stay healthy while on prescription drugs. When she isn’t fighting this endless war, you can find Dr. Megan riding her bike with kids in tow.