Before you take Prednisone, watch this 👉 (Prednisone Warnings)
Warning: Don’t make the Top Seven (7) Prednisone Mistakes!
Oftentimes, when someone takes prednisone, they become frustrated with the side effects that occur as a result of the medication. Because of this, they tend the make some pretty crucial mistakes while taking it. There are many prednisone warnings that patients who take this medication are not away of.
In this article and video, I am going to give you a list of the top seven prednisone mistakes you may make while taking prednisone and ways to combat these common mistakes. Before you take prednisone, you will want to watch this video and read this article. If you are already taking prednisone, you can still watch and read to see what mistakes you may be making while taking this medication and ways that you can fight back.
Watch the video below to listen to me explain five prednisone warnings! 👇
Why Prednisone Warnings are Important
I took prednisone for nine months because of a condition that could have caused me to bleed to death. While taking prednisone, I experienced many of the same side effects that others experience while taking it. Although the side effects were horrible, I knew I had to continue taking the medication until my physician gave me the clearance not to. The video below contains and explains five out of the seven major prednisone warnings to take heed to.
Commonly Made Mistakes and Prednisone Warnings
1. Stopping “cold-turkey”
- One prednisone warning I encourage you to never forget is this: Never, under any circumstances, stop taking prednisone cold-turkey. I understand that the side effects are stressful but quitting prednisone without clearance from your doctor could cost you your life.
- Tapering (under a doctor’s watch) is the safest, most effective way to stop taking prednisone.
2. Not taking Precautions for Osteoporosis
- Another tip for prednisone is to watch out for bone loss. Did you know that prednisone is the number one drug for osteoporosis and bone loss? While taking this medication, you want to ensure that you are taking vitamin D and Calcium daily, as these two supplements help fight bone loss. The last thing you want is to have a hump in your back prematurely.
3. Eating the Standard American Diet (Weight Gain)
- Weight gain is an extremely frustrating side effect of taking prednisone. How exactly does this medication cause weight gain? Well, prednisone causes you to feel hungrier than usual and causes you to have cravings such as sugary and salty foods.
- You can help combat this side effect by not partaking in the standard American diet, which includes a lot of sugary and salty foods. Instead, you want to ensure that you are eating a balanced diet that includes a diet low in sugary and salty foods. This is essential to helping avoid the dreaded “moon face” that many prednisone patients experience.
- Although this particular prednisone warning may not sound like fun, as many people enjoy eating the standard American diet, it will truly help you on your prednisone journey (and with your health overall).
4. Consuming the Wrong Beverages
- This ties into my previous point about the consumption of the standard American diet. This diet, unfortunately, includes many sugary and caffeinated drinks (sodas, coffee, and tea). While taking prednisone, it is important to stir away from drinking these types of drinks.
- You should also avoid alcoholic beverages while taking prednisone (I know, I know. Not the greatest, but consuming alcohol will not help you when taking prednisone).
- Instead of drinking the above drinks, you should opt for drinking water.
5. Letting Muscles Waste Away
- This is one of the least known facts about prednisone. Prednisone wastes away your muscles, which causes them to decrease in size. This also causes you to lose strength.
- I remember taking prednisone and feeling so strange looking at how my body looked with wasted away muscles. I had super tiny arms and legs, but a profound, round belly and face!
- There are ways to combat this and to help rebuild your muscles. I did activities such as riding my bike and walking. Unfortunately, due to the risk of me bleeding to death, I could not do many of the other fun activities I enjoyed; however, exercising is crucial to helping your body cope with the woes of prednisone.
6. Prednisone Warning #6 is in the Prednisone Checklist
7. Prednisone Warning #7 is in the Prednisone Checklist
What You Can Do About Prednisone Side Effects
If you want to know the rest of these prednisone warnings, make sure to download the Prednisone Checklist, which contains a full list of ways to counteract the side effects of prednisone.
There are seven warnings about prednisone, and I’ve covered the first five above. All seven warnings are in the free, downloadable Prednisone Checklist! Many of the side effects of prednisone can be prevented, but most people don’t know what they can do to fight back.
That’s why I created the Prednisone Checklist. Have prednisone warnings available to those who take it is important, as it serves as a guide to make this journey with prednisone much easier. In this checklist, you will:
- Get access to this valuable list of the top fifteen adverse effects of prednisone and what you can do about it.
- Discover how to avoid the top seven mistakes prednisone patients make.
- Find my top twenty-five tips for coping with prednisone side effects.
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