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Tools to Help with Prednisone Side Effects

Lab Tests

Go here for my Lab Shop of recommended tests while on prednisone.

Insomnia Support

Best Sleeping Pillow I bought 3 of these for my family! It helps me sleep deeper and supports my neck to prevent back pain.

ChiliPad Blanket to sleep more restfully.


If I’m having trouble falling back asleep, I love to turn on something boring to listen to, like meditations, the Old Testament, poetry, or something that will distract my brain so I can go back to sleep. Wireless earbuds make this possible so I can pop one in my ear and just listen and it’s okay if it falls out while I’m falling asleep.

Black Wireless Earbuds

White Wireless Earbuds

Good Sources of Vitamins Depleted by Prednisone

Vitamin K2 MK-7

Vitamin K2 MK-7 is needed to help calcium & vitamin D build bones. It helps guide the calcium to the bones instead of floating around in the blood vessels, where it can be dangerous and lead to calcium build up and heart disease. Plus Vitamin K is depleted by doxycycline, a common antibiotic that prednisone patients may also take.

Constipation Support

To help counteract the type of constipation caused by pain medications like opioids, hydrocodone, or oxycodone, the only thing that really helps is Senna. Here’s a great combination product with docusate as well. The docusate helps make the poop slippery, while the Senna helps stimulate the gut to push it down the GI tract. Other products won’t really work if the constipation is from opioid medication side effects.


Books I Love About Prednisone Side Effects & Health


Adrenal Transformation Protocol


The SLEEP Prescription

Loving What Is, Revised Edition: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life by [Byron Katie, Stephen Mitchell]Loving What Is


Cool Tools

Sucks up vomit and pee