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What Supplements Should I Take With Prednisone?

What Supplements Should I Take With Prednisone?

A Prednisone Warrior sent me this message:

What I’m looking for is a natural combination of supplements that I can take to counter some of the side effects. Esp the insomnia, stress, hunger, weight gain, and blood sugar increase. I do take supplements separately but bc of the different brands, quality, etc I’m not sure if I get enough. I feel like I’m spiraling down to the point of no return.

If you’re looking for a natural combination of supplements that you can take to counter some of the side effects, then watch my latest video!

You’ll find out about the best brands, quality, etc. to make sure you’re getting enough.

Then you won’t feel like you’re spiraling down to the point of no return.

Show Notes:

When you are taking prednisone, the side effects are so awful! So a Prednisone warrior asked why do prednisone causes hunger and weight gain.

Prednisone is a glucocorticoid like glucose and glucose is sugar.

Why is Prednisone causing that problem?

It’s because Prednisone works by messing with the sugar metabolism. It’s feeling from the good parts of your body to help you get through this crisis time. And it also steals a vital mineral we call chromium!

Why is chromium important in our body?

Because chromium helps with the proper blood sugar and insulin matrix balance in your body. If there’s no chromium, your body can’t use the sugar properly.

What are the other supplements needed while on Prednisone?

The 3 vital nutrients needed if you are taking prednisone are Chromium, Vitamin D, and Calcium. There are still other vital minerals and vitamins that this drug is stealing but those 3 mentioned are needed to avoid the irreversible side effects!

Best Supplement to take on Prednisone:

So I’ve got those 3 vital nutrients together in addition to a whole bunch more in a supplement I invented called Nutranize Zone.

It’s to help you get into the Zone of health instead of being stuck in the prednisone Twilight Zone.

Check the 75+ Scientific Articles and Nutranize Zone Ingredients.

Nutranize Zone Vitamins for Prednisone

Check out the Ingredients here!

So what you do is you take two of these in the morning to help you feel more in control of your appetite, banish those hunger cravings, and then you take two of these to have a restful night’s sleep.

Looking for a natural combination of supplements? Then this is exactly what you’ve been looking for!

Dr. Megan Milne, PharmD, BCACP

Dr. Megan Milne, PharmD, BCACP, is an award-winning clinical pharmacist board certified in the types of conditions people take prednisone for. Dr. Megan had to take prednisone herself for an autoimmune condition so understands what it feels like to suffer prednisone side effects and made it her mission to counteract them as the Prednisone Pharmacist.

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