Vitamin D Reduced Diabetes Risk
Preventing Risk of Diabetes with Vitamin D
I got bad news from my rheumatologist
My rheumatologist ordered some labs and my vitamin D level tested low.
My doctor had asked me to stop all supplements for a month before the test to see what I was like without them.
Plus I haven’t been able to get vitamin D outside much…
So I was super disappointed to find out how low I am in vitamin D.
It renewed my enthusiasm for supplementing with vitamin D when I found out this new bonus that vitamin D does…
Supports people at risk for diabetes!
Anyone on prednisone is at a 2.56 greater risk for diabetes than people not taking prednisone…
So that’s us.
Find out what the latest research shows in my new short video:
Watch now!
Reduce risk of Diabetes
This content states that Vitamin D supplements can reduce the risk of both autoimmune diseases and diabetes. A meta-analysis of three studies reveals that taking Vitamin D supplements can reduce the progression to Type II diabetes by up to 30% and overall by up to 15%.
If a person is taking prednisone in doses of 2.5 milligrams per day or more, it is recommended to take an extra capsule of high-quality Vitamin D to boost the levels of calcium in the body.
Vitamin D has been found to reduce a person’s risk of diabetes and autoimmune diseases.
A recent meta-analysis of three separate studies determined that taking Vitamin D supplements can reduce progression to diabetes by up to 30% and overall reduce the risk of diabetes by up to 15%.
It is recommended that those taking prednisone in doses of 2.5 milligrams each day or higher take a capsule of high quality Vitamin D in addition to calcium for added health benefits.
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