Boosting Immune System Back after Medication – Prednisone
I’ve been asked twice in the last hour, a variation of this question.
What more can I do to bring my immune system back up after taking prednisone?
And that’s a valid question because prednisone is an immunosuppressant. Find out what are the steps on boosting the immune system!
How can I naturally boost my immune system?
- Go outside and get that Sunlight to get your Vitamin D!
- Do some Exercises
- Enough Sleep
- Healthy Diet
- Boosting Immune System Supplement
Prednisone is changing your immune system and that’s why it works so well for people with autoimmune conditions. For me personally, I took it for an autoimmune condition that I almost bled to death and it did a wondrous thing to save my life!
But that came at a cost: my immune system.
Now, what can you possibly do after having your immune system be messed with by prednisone? A lot of this is probably just second nature. You probably already know this, but often it’s nice to have somebody to remind you of what you already know in order to bring your immune system back after medication.
First of all, is Sunlight. Sunlight is one of the best things you can possibly have when you want to build up your immune system. And why is that?
Well, first of all, when you’re getting the sunlight, that means you’re also getting fresh air for sure is so vital to a healthy immune system.
Second, when you’re getting the sunlight, you’re also getting vitamin D as long as you’re getting it during the right time of day.
There’s a cool app to find out if, if there’s vitamin D available to get during the time of day you’re outside. I use it. It’s called the D timer, vitamin D – D timer. It’s pretty awesome.
Second is Exercise. If you’re not getting enough exercise, it’s hard for your immune system to like, for example at the very least there’s the lymphatic system. It is when you, your legs, and things need the fluid to go back up to your heart. And that’s when your immune system can do its job. And so when you’re moving your body you can have a stronger immune system.
Next is Sleep. This is vital. 100% of the time. You need sleep to have a strong immune system. But prednisone is making it hard, right? Prednisone makes sleep a challenge.
When I was on prednisone, I would just stare at the ceiling thinking, “oh my gosh, it’s two o’clock in the morning and I can not go back to sleep. What am I going to do?
You’ve got to have healthy sleep.
And I have so many videos about getting restful sleep. Check out the videos below.
Healthy Diet
Then you need a healthy diet. So there are lots of aspects to a healthy diet for getting your immune system back. Number one is avoiding sugar.
So this is healthy for people. Anybody who’s not on prednisone, especially for people on prednisone you to avoid sugar. If you want to help the immune system because sugar is directly competing with your immune system molecules to use the nutrients like vitamin C.
And so if you’re taking prednisone and you want a strong immune system, I highly recommend cutting sugar out of your diet, especially refined sugars!
If your great-great-grandma couldn’t have eaten it, then you’re while you’re on Prednisone. And you certainly shouldn’t like candy any pretty much anything that comes in a package or from a manufacturing plant, you should be avoiding them. And then, so I was saying cut out sugar, but what about, what should you do? You should be adding back the nutrients that prednisone steals!
So prednisone is stealing things like chromium calcium, vitamin D vitamin C. These are vital if You want a healthy immune system. And so you could go out there and you could buy all of those ingredients individually to give back what prednisone has been stealing, or you can get the things you need. Those nutrients you need by taking Nutranize® Zone™.
Not only helps you get restful sleep, which I said, sleep is vital to help your immune system recover because it has melatonin in it, but it also has 100% the daily value of your vitamin C. So it is directly helping your immune system then that way. And then it has Other ingredients that help you have stable blood sugar.
Boosting Immune System Supplement
I told you blood sugar is so important to have compete with your immune system for vital nutrients. And so I have three ingredients in here that help you keep stable blood sugar. You can find it and it will help you so that you can feel confident that you are giving back everything that prednisone is stealing and that you are fighting back in all the ways you possibly can.
And this is so vital especially right now when the Delta variant is just burning through the unvaccinated population and through the population of people who are immunocompromised. I just talked to a lady today, who’s on prednisone. She got her Johnson and Johnson vaccine but turns out her immune system isn’t working well enough to mount an immune response, even with that vaccine.
So she has zero antibodies that means that if you can get the vaccine and hopefully you’ll your immune system will work, but not everybody on prednisone, his immune system is responding appropriately to the vaccine. So if that’s you, then I encourage you to get family members, everyone around you to get the vaccine to protect you because you are vulnerable. Even if you’ve been infected before you can get infected again.
So get your vaccine, get the appropriate vitamins that you need so that you can feel well while on prednisone so that you can feel that you’ve done everything you possibly can to recover from prednisone, to recover from how prednisone is making you feel.
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